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  2. Weightlifting exercises
  3. Clean and jerks

Clean and Jerks: A Comprehensive Overview

Learn all about the clean and jerk exercise, a compound lift used in weightlifting and CrossFit workouts. Discover the benefits, how to do the move, and more.

Clean and Jerks: A Comprehensive Overview

Clean and jerks are one of the most popular weightlifting exercises, and for good reason. Not only do they give you an effective full-body workout, but they also help to develop strength and power. In this comprehensive overview, we’ll provide an in-depth look at clean and jerks, including how to perform them correctly, the benefits they offer, and some tips on how to make the most out of your clean and jerk workout. The clean and jerk exercise combines two movements. The first, known as the 'clean', involves lifting the barbell from the ground to your shoulders in one swift motion.

The second movement, known as the 'jerk', involves pressing the barbell overhead while squatting down. This exercise can be done with either a barbell or dumbbells. The clean and jerk is an effective way to build total body strength. It strengthens the core muscles, back muscles, legs, and arms. It also helps to increase power, speed, and explosiveness.

Additionally, it can help to improve coordination, balance, and agility. To perform the clean and jerk correctly, it is important to use proper form. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight. Squat down to grab the barbell with an overhand grip (palms facing down). Lift the barbell up off of the floor until it reaches your shoulders.

Press the barbell overhead while squatting down. At the same time, press your feet into the ground and drive your hips forward. To finish the move, stand up straight while keeping the barbell overhead. When doing the clean and jerk exercise, make sure to use a weight that is suitable for your fitness level. Start with lighter weights to practice good form before increasing the weight.

Additionally, it is important to keep your core tight throughout the exercise. This will help keep your spine in a neutral position and ensure proper form.

Benefits of Clean and Jerks

The clean and jerk is an effective way to build total body strength. It strengthens the core muscles, back muscles, legs, and arms. Additionally, it can help to improve coordination, balance, and agility.

Form Tips for Clean and Jerks

To perform the clean and jerk correctly, it is important to use proper form.

Press the barbell overhead while squatting down. When lifting the barbell, make sure to keep your elbows up and your head facing forward. Additionally, it is important to keep your core tight and engaged throughout the entire movement. Once you’ve pressed the barbell overhead, make sure to lock out your elbows and shoulders before returning the weight to the floor. It is important to avoid dropping or slamming the weight during this exercise as it can lead to injury. Finally, make sure to practice proper breathing technique when doing the clean and jerk. Inhale deeply before each rep and exhale as you press the weight overhead. In conclusion, the clean and jerk is a powerful compound exercise that can help to build total body strength.

It is important to use proper form and select a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level. With practice and dedication, you can master this exercise and reap its many benefits.

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